Explorers & Freeorder how they are relatedWe use the word explorers to name persons with strong imagination, curiosity, and wonder, who with focus and persistence learn from and engage with whatever they love. freeorder is the vision and concept guiding Explorers Foundation. It welds together free & order with the intention that they be understood to be compatible, not opposed. freeorder expresses the idea that orders arising from freedom work best for all of us intent on using our fullest powers of imagination, reason, and action in pursuit of happiness in service to people and things we love.Most exact use of the word freeorder:
Reference: Ch. 2, "Cosmos and Taxis", Law, Legislation and Liberty, by F. A. Hayek The conjecture implied by the definition is that Hayek's insight into kinds of order is useful in thought and productive in action, and will remain so as the world of Freeorder evolves. The word quest indicates an aesthetics guided pattern of explorations. The romantic implications of the word are fundamental. The emergence of freeorder, within each of us and among us depends on balances of romantic idealism and critical rationalism. We are liberal (in the original and future meaning) in that we are for the freedom of every individual to imagine, think, act, and collaborate; and we are conservative to the extent that what is to be conserved is exactly the same freedom. This requires saying "no" to many visible good things, and by doing so protecting more important invisible things. Examples of the use of the word freeorder