glyph 245: philosophy ... liberal conservative disposition . limits . ... conversation, civility, reason, rationalism, ... instrumental vs. intrinsic values, play, creative imagination, history, civilization ..... Locke, Hobbes


Michael Oakeshott Association

reason, play, creative imagination, conversation, civilization

Michael Oakeshott Association: History and aims:

The Michael Oakeshott Association was established in 1999 with the purpose of encouraging study and critical discussion of Oakeshott's work and topics related to it.

While philosophy rather than politics is the driving force behind the Association's discussions, the MOA is distinctive in affording an opportunity to those of a liberal-conservative disposition and their critics to engage each other. The MOA is not committed to any particular philosophical school or method.

Three of the many items from the above site:

Why Read Oakeshott?, Noël O'Sullivan, University of Hull
"... I want to ... emphasize that one reason to read him is for the grasp of the place of creative imagination in understanding life, and especially for its place in historical explanation."
"liberation ... an almost existentialist conception of life as the endless task of striving to acquire a distinctive self of one's own, not by rejecting the cultural tradition from which one comes, but by critical self-immersion in it."

Oakeshott on John Locke (1932):

Oakeshott to Karl Popper, on Utopianism, Rationalism, and Reason:
entered before July 9, 2006

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