glyph 647: emergence of freeorder, illustated with four M&Ms philosophical confectionary


Three atoms of freeorder make a molecule

to power the emergence of Freeorder

The three words that are the atoms of freeorder.
Take the 'm' to mean molecule.
This molecule will power the emergence of Freeorder.

freeorder (process, a kind of balance seeking) —> Freeorder (social result)

A definition of freeorder:
a quest serving balance among designed and spontaneous orders

A use of the word dependent on the definition:
freeorder is order spontaneously emergent from the imaginations and actions of free people.

Reference: Ch. 2, "Cosmos and Taxis", Law, Legislation and Liberty, by F. A. Hayek
August 1, 2024; edited/updated August 5, 2024

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