Vortex Sheridan : freedom of the press, and integrity in journalism
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Inscribed in stone above the entry hall of the Chicago Tribune.
All the inscriptions are recorded here ••• (ef glyph 223)
16Jul24: Catherine Herridge
28Mar23: Malone, Dhillon, vs Strip & Substack
20May23: Started lists of journalists and aggregators
11May23: Tucker Carlson now on Twitter
22Apr23: Kunstler on RFK, Jr.
28Sep22: Salman Rushdie, David Marks, Robert W. Malone on Freedom of Expression
03Mar22: Updated Yon/Logan entry; added Mark Levin interview of Logan
06Dec21: Ongoing attempt to destroy Lara Logan
10Sep21: Glenn Greenwald: Rumble, Substack
27Feb21: Charlie LeDuff, reporter
08Feb21: Substack
07Feb21: Glenn Greenwald on journalists as tattletales and hall monitors
04Nov20: Matt Taibbi on the worst choice (election) ever
15Jun20: Matt Taibbi on deterioration of journalism
08Feb20: Martin Geddes on truth & self-delusion
08Feb20: Sharyl Attkisson on government<>media relations; media crisis its own fault
08Dec19: Sharyl Attkisson, The Epoch Times
21Nov19: Zola, J’Accuse
14Aug19: Lara Logan, Sinclair Broadcasting Group, Mexico/USA border
14Aug19: Michael Yon streaming video from Hong Kong
31Mar19: Lara Logan noted
23Oct18: Jeffrey A. Tucker on curtailment of freedom of speech by big media
06Jun18: Sharyl Attkisson’s video on a cholesterol drug
01Apr18: Michael Yon, truth in journalism
10Mar18: Michael Yon; Sharyl Attkisson
03Dec17: Buenos Aires Times (resusitates the Herald); Bob Cox, Jayson McNamara
30Oct17: Yon; Attkisson; Sterns
Michael Yon article
Full Measure, with Sharyl Attkisson
Ken Sterns, book
04Jun17: Rothbard on freedom of the press
28Feb17: Attkisson, event proposing study of vaccines
11Jan17: Pat Wagner, on how to be a good journalist
04Nov16: Final letter to readers from Buenos Aires Herald, Wednesday October 26th, 2016
01Dec14: Added a link to Sharyl Attkisson’s site
11Jan12: Created this vortex
Catherine Herridge and Tucker Carlson in conversation ••• [83 minutes]
More insight into the demise of trusted journalism and a now ongoing renaissance of truthful investigation and reporting than I’ve seen anywhere.
The conclusion of the interview (from the transcript):
Catherine Herridge [01:27:25] … I’m surprised, even by the evolution of where I am, today. And I'm surprised that I'm fighting in the courts to be protecting confidential sources. But if there's something that folks who are listening and watching this can take away is that, you know, I came out of February, so it was a tough time. There's no question about it. But I had a lot of clarity. And sometimes crisis gives you clarity. Oh, and the idea of a free press and free speech, these really became my North Star. They really became the driving force of what I'm going to do in this next chapter.
Tucker [01:28:13] Yeah. I couldn't agree more. And it's weird to wake up and see things you took for granted under threat. Did you ever think that free speech in the United States would be open to question?
Catherine Herridge [01:28:25] No, I wouldn't have anticipated the situation that I'm in now. That's for sure.
Speech Control by Restricting Payments — attempt and successful response
Stripe (a payment service) and Substack, possibly with “encouragement” from government(s), seemed to be threatening to cut off income from selected authors. Robert W. Malone, one of those authors, took action and with the help of Dhillon Law Group, Inc. ••• has, at least for awhile, repulsed the attempt. Robert W. Malone and his wife Jill, are known for failure to agree with most governments policies pertaining to Covid vaccines and low-cost early treatments.
“Stripe previously notified us that the firm required that we share details and activity relating to my business bank account with Stripe, including my current account balance, transactions, and all historical transactions, or else Stripe would stop processing payments from our Substack subscribers,” Dr. Malone said. “We were provided approximately one week to comply with this requirement. This was not a general policy, and appears to have been selectively deployed by Stripe in response to a U.S. Government request. As Substack only allows the use of credit card processing via Stripe, we saw this as a direct threat to the revenue from the business we have built up over the last two years using the Substack social media authorship toolkit. We immediately contacted the Dhillon Law Group, which has been able to promptly and favorably resolve this so that our business was not impacted by this new Stripe policy.” —Malone, quoted by Dhillon Law Group
“In conclusion, Jill and I thank Mark Meuser, the Dhillon Law Group, and our many donors and subscribers for standing with us in responding promptly and firmly to the actions of Stripe and Substack in this matter. We hope that this action will deter similar actions by Stripe and Substack against other authors and their Substack-based small businesses, but fear that this is just one example of an ongoing effort by large corporations, the State, and transnational non-governmental organizations to continue to push the weaponization of finance down to the individual level as a means to exert social controls on speech and behavior.” —Malone
Creators of a new media to displace less reliable media (updated 28 Mar 2024)
Margaret Anna Alice
Sharyl Attkisson
Steve Bannon
Tucker Carlson
Glenn Greenwald — System Update
Catherine Herridge
Megyn Kelly
Lara Logan
Robert W. Malone
Joe Rogan
Matt Taibbi
Jeffrey A. Tucker
Bari Weiss
Michael Yon
Selena Zito
Straight Line Logic
Llewellyn Rockwell
Tucker Carlson now on Twitter - https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson
“We’re Back” ••• [2:59 video] 09May23 - as of 11May23 viewed over 25 million times
Current state of media ••• [2:16 video] 26Apr23 - as of 11May23 viewed over 25 million times
Richard Brinsley Sheridan (born 1721) on the power of a free press:
“Give me but the liberty of the press and I will give to the minister a venal house of peers. I will give him a corrupt and servile house of commons. I will give him the full swing of the patronage of office. I will give him the whole host of ministerial influence. I will give him all the power that place can confer upon him to purchase up submission and overawe resistance: And yet, armed with the liberty of the press, i will go forth to meet him undismayed. I will attack the mighty fabric of that mightier engine. I will shake down from its height corruption and bury it beneath the ruins of the abuses it was meant to shelter.” —probably from an address in the House of Commons, 1806-7
Search for “Sheridan” in Here and There in London ••• [Gutenberg] by J. Ewing Ritchie, transcribed by W. Tweedie in 1859.
James Howard Kunstler on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., April 21, 2023
This says things that need to be said, and heard.
Posted here because exemplifies what Sheridan describes as his purpose.
Salman Rushdie, David Marks, and Robert W. Malone on Freedom of Expression
“What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist.” —Salman Rushdie, quoted by David Marks, in “Who Will Defend Freedom of Speech? ••• published in Robert W. Malone’s Substack
“With the hope that life remains stable, people often reject divergent ideas and blindly trust dictates. A prescribed, familiar authority appears less frightening than the risk of considering new concepts. This inclination towards security is often abused by authoritarian forces to encourage repression, limiting opposition and restricting debate.” —David Marks
Michael Yon ••• defends [see below] Lara Logan ••• [may load slowly, worth the wait] while others attempt to destroy her reputation. I believe Sheridan (1751-1816) would write in her defense. Mark Levin interviews Lara Logan ••• [YouTube]
Yon’s article was saved here. Now [March 2022] difficult or impossible to find.
Lara Calls Fauci what He Is
06 December 2021
Washington, DC
Am back in this foul town to deliver some talks on the soft invasion over our borders. I've been watching it all year from numerous countries. Recall my 2021 actually started here in DC as direct witness to the false-flag operation at the Capitol Building.
After the Innaguration, I flew straight to El Paso to join on the border with Chuck Holton and Masako Ganaha. And the migration invasion exploded as this pandemic-attack continued.
The States and Sheriffs must retake their power. Exert their will. Kick out Federal agencies who abuse their positions.
Lara Logan is a rare journalist. Very rare. There is practically no war correspondent alive -- none to my knowledge -- with her level of experience and hard knocks who did not burn out into alcohol, drugs, or self-pity. They nearly all burn out and lose the trail.
Lara gets more da ngerous with every passing year as her deep experience and study evolve into that uncommon thing called wisdom. She's not just smart and experienced anymore. She's becoming something else. I [A] higher order.
And when Lara takes this Fauci-guy into a headlock, he should take notice. But he will not. Because Fauci is not wise. Fauci is very smart, every clever, and he is elder, but he is not a Wise Elder. And he has no moral or ethical compass.
Deep inside, Fauci is a coward. Lara senses this. I sense she senses it, anyway. I cannot read her mind. But I can read her eyes. Lara is ready to rip out his face. She's a real Lioness.
Fauci is a Dr. Smith from Lost in Space. Lara frightens him. And so Fauci claws back and tries to hide behind the leg of a bigger man. He's a little rat against someone who goes to war after war with real bullets flying. Fauci has no chance against someone like Lara. She's not afraid to die. It's not an act. I feel her seriousness. Fauci is afraid of his shriveled shadow.
Lara will not apologize for offending Dr. Death who poisons children. That is not her way. And Lara is a Mother. She's not only a Lioness but a Mamma Bear.
Fauci is so weak and pathetic, so lacking in any sort of courage, that he cannot empathize with Lara because he does not share in a warrior spirit. He does not understand her heart and how sincere and dangerous she really can be. And he does not seem to understand the world that is unfolding around him.
Nobody will apologize for the storm ahead.
Mark Levin interviews Lara Logan: https://youtu.be/aipgqf-2F5Y
Glenn Greenwald ••• [Intercept] “Strengthening Substack ••• Journalism With Video at Rumble ••• the Free Speech, Anti-YouTube Platform — Along with a group of heterodox writers, this move is designed to expand the reach of our journalism, support free speech platforms, and enable more reader interaction.” ••• vSheridan
Greenwald’s Substack pages ••• Greenwald’s Rumble pages •••
Pulitzer Winning Journalist [reporter] Charlie LeDuff Announces ••• [radio show] COVID Death Count Lawsuit Against Michigan Governor — working with Mackinac Center ••• to obtain records revealing why, how, and how many old people with CoVid were sent into nursing homes, probably infecting others and leading to a large number of unnecessary deaths.
Reporter Charlie LeDuff has a show called “No BS News Hour” ••• — the name of the show is accurate. We need this kind of reporting.
“Substack is a place for independent writing. Subscribe directly to writers you trust. Take back your mind” •••
“My Resignation from the Intercept” [29Oct20] ••• Glenn Greenwald •••
“The same trends of repression, censorship and ideological homogeneity plaguing the national press generally have engulfed the media outlet I co-founded, culminating in censorship of my own articles.”
“The Journalistic Tattletale and Censorship Industry …” ••• Glenn Greenwald
‘A new and rapidly growing journalistic “beat” has arisen over the last several years that can best be described as an unholy mix of junior high hall-monitor tattling and Stasi-like citizen surveillance. It is half adolescent and half malevolent. Its primary objectives are control, censorship, and the destruction of reputations for fun and power. Though its epicenter is the largest corporate media outlets, it is the very antithesis of journalism.’
Deterioration of journalism: “The American Press Is Destroying Itself” ••• Matt Taibbi, former contributing editor for Rolling Stone
How is is now: “It’s been learned in these episodes [recent] we may freely misreport reality, so long as the political goal is righteous.”
How it was then: “The ideal … was that we showed you everything we could see, good and bad, ugly and not, trusting that a better-informed public would make better decisions. This vision of media stressed accuracy, truth, and trust in the reader’s judgment as the routes to positive social change.”
And once upon a time in the Soviet Union, Lenin stated explicitly in a speech published in Pravda in 1920: “We say: morality is what serves to destroy the old exploiting society and to unite all the working people around the proletariat, which is building up a new, communist society.” —from “May Day: The Conspiracy of Silence Around the Romance of Evil” ••• by Michael Strong
Matt Taibbe ••• a journalist we are reading and admiring
“The Worst Choice Ever” ••• on the U.S. election: “Donald Trump is a disaster, but Joe Biden's party is democratic in name only. Why this year's election is a vomit milkshake” -Taibbe
Jeffrey A. Tucker: The Epic Battle to Control Your Thoughts ••• : on curtailment of freedom of speech by big media, October 20, 2018
Self-delusion, why it’s hard to decide what’s true ••• Martin Geddes
P.J. O’Rourke ••• [biographical] Much may be inferred about O’Rourke from the title of one of his books: Give War a Chance (1992)
Sharyl Attkisson
“Journalism is suffering from a crisis of its own making” ••• [YouTube]
Sharyl Attkisson ••• author of Stonewalled ••• an account of problems encountered while trying to report the truth.
“Investigative Journalist who tries to give you information others don’t want you to have. What you do with it is your own business. Do your own research. Seek advice from those you trust. Make up your own mind.” —Attkisson’s website •••
Attkisson v. DOJ and FBI for the Government Computer Intrusions ••• [Attkisson’s site]
Sharyl Attkisson’s video on a cholesterol drug ••• (“all is not as it seems,” and why)
Full Measure ••• with Sharyl Attkisson
“Full Measure is a weekly Sunday news program focusing on investigative, original and accountability reporting. The host is Sharyl Attkisson, five-time Emmy Award winner and recipient of the Edward R. Murrow award for investigative reporting. She is backed by a team of award winning journalists.” •••
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/02/28/kennedy-challenges-journalists-vaccine-safety.aspx — Attkisson was the moderator for a discussion on vaccine safety. She interviews Dr. Bernadine Healy, MD, former Director of NIH, CEO of American Red Cross, Health Editor, U.S. News & World Report. The interview is at the beginning of a meeting regarding the need to study vaccines to try to isolate the cases in which they may do more damage than good.
Sharyl Attkisson ••• has been writing for The Epoch Times ••• since 2016.
Michael Yon ••• “Hong Kong Now: disinformation, misinformation, and fake news” ••• streaming video from the Hong Kong (summer-winter 2019).
Lara Logan ••• a journalist worth noticing, during the summer of 2019 was a Special Correspondent for Sinclair Broadcast Group ••• — the former 60 Minutes reporter covered US-Mexico border issues •••. Her stories will be found on many internet sites: search for “Lara Logan investigates”.
J’Accuse ••• A letter to the President of the French Republic by Émil Zola, published 13 Jan 1893, covered the entire front page of Georges Clemenceu’s newspaper, “L’Aurore”, exposing the corruption of the leadership of the French Army, whose lies led the false conviction for treason of Alfred Dreyfus, who was fully exonerated only in 1906. vSheridan
Sharyl Attkisson’s video on a cholesterol drug ••• (“all is not as it seems,” and why)
Michael Yon, April 1, 2018: China, Japan, America, truth in journalism:
On Michael Yon’s Patreon page, https://www.patreon.com/messages/2291411:
“It is a fact that we are in the middle of a major information war directed from China at Japan, at the United States, and others.” —Michael Yon
If references to “China” were widely understood to indicate only “some Chinese in positions of power,” not all individual citizens of China, it would allow for the probability that there are citizens of China who value truth. Our use of language must never forget them: they are our allies. Your use of the phrase “directed from China” shows that you understand this, and it should encourage Patreon members to support your work. -ls
Sharyl Attkisson’s timeline ••• for the Trump-Russia matter
Michael Yon, February 23, 2017, on China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea ••• article in Japan Forward •••
Messenger on a White Horse, the story of Bob Cox, Argentine journalist, told in a new film by Jayson McNamara ••• — a story of heroic resistance to tyranny.
American Colonies: The Communication of Ideas: Postal Service and the Freedom of the Press
Conceived in Liberty, by Murray N. Rothbard, Vol. II, Ch. 27, audio ••• at no charge from Mises Institute
Michael Yon, independent American writer and photographer, authored this article on Afghanistan, Pakistan, and China •••. It was published August 26, 2017, by Japan Forward.
Ken Stern is the president of Palisades Media Ventures and the former CEO of National Public Radio. His book “Republican Like Me: How I Left the Liberal Bubble and Learned to Love the Right••• (Harper) is out October 31, 2017.
“How to be an Ethical, Competent, and Credible Journalist” ••• —a short article by Pat Wagner.
On Facebook, Pat adds: Have to give credit to several people: Ferne Hoeft at Tremper High School in Kenosha; Bill Osgood, my librarian and writing coach at Goddard College; Kathy Bradshaw, radio goddess and journalism professor, my best friend Leif Smith, and a plethora of professional journalists and authors and editors, including Diane Lawrence Hartman, Patricia Calhoun, Dixie Darr, Pilar Lynch, and the works of folks like Karl Popper and Alfred Korzybski, and some of the smartest people I know: Christine Peterson, Stephanie West Allen, Gayle Pergamit, Janice Prince, Lara Ewing, and Bill Casey ...hmm... not enough room on Facebook to credit them all.
Buenos Aires Herald (Oct 2016: ceased publication; Oct 2017, revived by the Buenos Aires Times)
Revival of the Buenos Aires Herald as a new section of the Buenos Aires Times •••
The Herald: without fear or favor, by Robert Cox ••• — the former editor remembers: “In early August of 1976 the staff of the Herald were still trying to find out what was going on, in a nation that had already been silenced.”
Messenger on a White Horse, the story of Bob Cox, Argentine journalist, told in a new film by Jayson McNamara ••• — a story of heroic resistance to tyranny.
Buenos Aires Herald : A final letter to subscribers, after 140 years of publication, Wednesday October 26th, 2016 provided to us (hand typed) by Albert Turner, Buenos Aires resident, a devoted reader and friendly critic of the Herald.
“It is with unspeakable sadness that we print our last edition today as the only English language newspaper in Latin America, ending the Buenos Aires Herald’s 140-year run.” ••• (the entire letter)
From the letter, At the end of the day, three paragraphs on freedom of the press:
It must be repeated, as we have said many times in these pages, that freedom of expression is a delicate flower, one with multiple requirements—for example, a company or organization which understands the mission, values, history and readers of a newspaper but also a state which does not overlook its duty to promote pluralism (an obligation that is not always ensured through having an elected government — both left-wing populist policies and market-friendly policies can lead to similar realities for the media market).
Regardless of whether the public or private sector is to blame, the concentration of the media into the hands of the few, ones with an axe to grind, always conspires against the right to information — a right which the social networks do not always preserve. The new digital culture demands innovative, serious, long-term strategies. It also requires a government that is willing and able to protect voices and ensure that pluralism is reflected in the media landscape.
For most of you who take the time to read this, we do not need to explain our history as a publication nor our most illustrious period during the military dictatorship. Whatever the Herald’s future is, we must maintain the pillars for which it has always stood — the diversity of ideas and cultures, a respect for individual life choices, defending human rights and abhorring those who infringe them. Not just to reflect one view, but a multitude of them, this is the true demonstration of democracy in action.
Albert’s post to his Facebook page, October 26, 2016:
‘I have been a "loyal reader" of the Herald for well over a decade. And, as probably some of you know, a critical one; but, I am not reluctant to tell you that there are tears in my eyes over the "End of the Day" for the Buenos Aires Herald.’ Then he posted the letter from the Herald.