glyph 246: newsletter, online ... social & political philosophy . grassroots democracy . Montana . conservation . collaboration . social & economic justice . economic sustainability . sustainable resource usage . Paul Stephens, editor
The Montana Green Party is a progressive political organization, dedicated to grassroots democracy, social justice, decentralization, respect for diversity, and environmental and economic sustainability. "Our overall goal is not merely to survive, but to share lives that are truly worth living. We believe the quality of our individual lives is enriched by the quality of all of our lives. We encourage everyone to see the dignity and intrinsic worth in all of life, and to take the time to understand and appreciate themselves, their community and the magnificent beauty of this world." -A.S.G.P. Platform
Who We are & What We Believe in
- For more information, please see
- As the new century dawns, we look back with somber reflection at how we have been as a people and as a nation. Realizing our actions will be judged by future generations, we ask how with foresight and wisdom, we can renew the best of our past, calling forth a spirit of change and participation that speaks for a free and democratic society.
- We submit a bold vision of our future, a PLATFORM on which we stand: An ethic of KEY VALUES leading to a POLITICS OF ACTION.
- A hopeful, challenging plan for A PROSPERING, SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY.
- A call to CREATE and CONSERVE a rich, DIVERSE environment characterized by a sense of COMMUNITY.
- What we are proposing is a vision of our common good that goes beyond special interests and the business of politics.
- What we are proposing is an INDEPENDENT POLITICS, a democratic vision that empowers and reaches beyond background and political loyalty to bring together our combined strengths as a people.
- We, the GREEN PARTY, see our political and economic progress, and our individual lives, within the context of an evolving, challenging world.
- As in nature, where adaptation and diversity provide key strategies of survival, a successful political strategy is one that is diverse, adaptable to changing needs, and strong and resilient in its core values:
- DEMOCRACY, practiced most effectively at the grassroots level and in local communities.
- SOCIAL JUSTICE and EQUAL OPPORTUNITY, emphasizing personal and social responsibility, accountability, and non-violence.
- ENVIRONMENTAL and ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY, balancing the interests of market- and value-driven business, of the community and land, of living and future generations.
Market-oriented explorers and advocates of the above will mutually benefit from exchange of ideas. The Montana Green Party Weekly Bulletin, edited by Paul Stephens, delivered by email, is an interesting and thought provoking window to look through. To subscribe contact Paul at "greateco*atsign*3rivers*dot*net" -leif smith
entered before July 9, 2006