glyph 642: artificial intelligence (AI) . professor (AI) Hayek, Leif Smith, dialogue, produced by Adnan Abbasi's ... F. A. Hayek at UCLA, 1969, graduate program (seminar) based on the ms. of Law, Legislation, and Liberty to be published in 1973 ... June 2023, Anas Khan, at Objective Standard Institute's LevelUp conference in Phoenix introduced Leif to Adnan's Professor (AI) Hayek ..... quest, the fire that illuminates the significance of freeorder: design (taxis) + spontaneous order (cosmos) + quest = a molecule to power the emergence of Freeorder ..... origin of the word freeorder ... Beethoven & freeorder ... Mt. Pelerin Society, 1947 ... Charles Morgan, writer


AI Hayek First Conversations about Freeorder

conducted through Adnan Abbasi's

In 1970, when I was teaching Austrian School economics at Wichita Collegiate School in Wichita, Kansas, I was reading F. A. Hayek's Law, Legislation, and Liberty in a mimeographed copy of the ms. obtained at his recent UCLA seminars, and also the "Postscript: Why I Am Not a Conservative" appended to his The Constitution of Liberty. In the Postscript Hayek searched for a word that would properly describe his point of view. It seemed to me that a new word was needed.

In June 2023, Anas Khan introduced me to an AI created to represent F. A. Hayek. On 12 August 2023 this first dialogue took place. The questions were provided by me, typed in by Adnan Abbasi of, the AI's creator. Answers were provided by Professor (AI) Hayek. Transcriptions of the conversations follow. On August 12, 2023 AI Hayek was given a definition of freeorder and was asked if it would satisfy his so far unsuccessful search for a word to name his point of view.

Dialogue on Freeorder - Professor (AI) Hayek and Leif Smith, August 12, 2023.pdf

The complete conversation as it has evolved to October 6, 2023
AI Hayek First Conversations about Freeorder.pdf
August 15, 2023

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